Kissimmee Property Management Blog

Vacation vs. Long-Term Rentals in Florida: A Property Manager’s Perspective

Alex Zweydoff - Tuesday, June 18, 2024

As a property manager in Florida, a common question is whether to focus on vacation rentals or long-term rentals. Both options have distinct advantages and challenges, and the best choice often depends on your specific goals and circumstances.

Vacation rentals are short-term, ranging from a few days to a few months, and are often in tourist hotspots like Orlando, Miami, and the Florida Keys. They can generate higher per-night rates, especially during peak seasons, and offer flexibility for personal use and potential tax benefits. However, they require more time and effort due to higher turnover, aggressive marketing to maintain occupancy, and can have inconsistent income depending on the season.

Long-term rentals involve lease agreements of six months or more, typically in residential neighborhoods. They provide stable and predictable rental income with less frequent turnover and easier management. On the downside, they offer lower monthly rental rates, less flexibility for personal use, and potential challenges with long-term tenants. Florida’s economy heavily relies on tourism, which can influence rental demand, particularly in cities like Orlando and Kissimmee.

When comparing financial aspects, consider occupancy rates, management costs, and initial investment. Vacation rentals may have higher rental rates but lower occupancy during off-peak seasons, and they often require higher management fees and a significant initial investment. Long-term rentals offer more consistent occupancy rates and lower management costs but generate lower monthly income.

Both vacation and long-term rentals in Florida have specific legal and regulatory requirements. Vacation rentals need to comply with local zoning laws, obtain permits, and handle taxes like the transient rental tax. Long-term rentals must adhere to landlord-tenant laws, covering security deposits, lease agreements, and eviction procedures. Expect more regulation on both fronts as time goes on. In Florida, and around the country. For example, check out what is currently going on in Texas.

Ultimately, the choice between vacation and long-term rentals depends on your investment goals and management preferences. For higher income potential and flexibility, vacation rentals may be ideal. For stability and lower management effort, long-term rentals are better. Understanding these differences helps property managers provide valuable guidance and optimize their rental portfolios.

Ready to optimize your rental property strategy in Florida? Contact us today to discover how our expert property management services can help you maximize your investment, whether you choose vacation or long-term rentals. Let's make your property work for you!